ASSESSORS MEETING MINUTES

                                    JULY 9, 2013


10:30 A.M.      Called meeting to order. Present: Paula B. Keefe, Richard B. Gorden, Ellen W. Abelson and Mark J. Mazur.


1.                  The Board denied a Clause 41A exemption application for the owner of parcel 69-39.


2.                  The Board granted a Fiscal Year 2014 preliminary tax adjustment under the authority of M.G.L. Chapter 59 Section 57C.


3.                  The Administrative Assessor discussed a meeting he had with eight residents of Bella Road.


4.                  The Board discussed our data re-inspection contract with Mayflower Valuation.


5.                  The Board reviewed Fiscal Year 2013 encumbered funds and end of the year purchases.


6.                  The Board decided to hold their next meeting at 10:30 A.M. on Tuesday, July 23, 2013.


11:30 A.M.      Adjourned.